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    Offline trade - price implementation


    Posts : 26
    Join date : 2014-11-12

    Offline trade - price implementation Empty Offline trade - price implementation

    Post  ProDev 13th November 2014, 19:14

    Copy from here: https://l2jlisvus.forumotion.com/t832-add-offline-trade-for-some-item

    As nulled06 requested, I implemented offline trade charging, it works as follows:

    Server administrator has to define two parameters: OfflineTradeChargeItem and OfflineTradeChargeCount in custom.properties. If item ID = 0 - charging is skipped.
    When a player logs out, service tries to put him to offline trade mode
    If there are enough items in a player's inventory, he is charged for a defined amount of items and put to offline trade
    If there are not enough items - offline trade is skipped

    Here is the patch: http://cl.ly/code/3h2p2D0p2u15. Compatible with rev.505

    Its simple and, I think, can be merged into trunk. There are still a couple of problems:

    1) You cannot use offline trade optionally (there is no command for that)
    2) I forgot to add the required parameters to custom.properties in the patch above, do it on your own, please Smile

      Current date/time is 16th October 2024, 19:29