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    2023 Recap


    Posts : 1475
    Join date : 2012-12-03
    Age : 34

    2023 Recap Empty 2023 Recap

    Post  DnR 7th January 2024, 20:17

    Hello everyone, let me wish you a happy new year and post a recap of project activity of last year till now.
    But before that, let me point out for those who don't know that project community activity has moved to discord server.

    - 9b7f7c91 chore: Added missing soulshot-nograde to gmshop (2024-01-07)
    - 679622c1 fix: Soulshot/Spiritshot animation after weapon equipment (2024-01-07)
    - 5c8c29ac chore: Minor change in controllable mob ai (2024-01-06)
    - da86db3c chore: Minor cleanup (2024-01-06)
    - db847b0c fix: Do not remove orc HOT effects if placed first at slot list (2024-01-06)
    - 6a23a029 fix: ShortBuff slot should be consumed by orc HOT effects (2024-01-06)
    - c7ac97ea fix: Do not search for null key in attackByList (2024-01-06)
    - ff7f9442 fix: AttackByList concurrency errors (2024-01-06)
    - cb9a6853 fix: Allow playables to cast aura skills before olympiad fight starts. Thanks KurokiSuzume (2024-01-05)
    - 5d5714f1 fix: Bad Z coord for olympiad arena 1 (2024-01-05)
    - 04686286 fix: Unset old character zone flags on zone reload (2024-01-05)
    - 3a61ccd3 fix: Corrected the majority of spawn z locations (2024-01-04)
    - 5f4d88f9 fix: Aggro range enter was broken (2023-12-31)
    - a78e0962 fix: Using proper method for unequipping l2iteminstances (2023-12-30)
    - c791ddc8 fix: Bad sql query for storing pets into database (2023-12-30)
    - 83c2aabb feat: Functional method getName() for items (2023-12-30)
    - cfc421f5 fix: Allow use of potions when anti-buff shield is enabled (2023-12-30)
    - c6dfc04e fix: Movement stuck bug. Thanks Levy (2023-12-30)
    - 2a2489d8 chore: Formatting and casing correction (2023-12-30)
    - 32d6f3cd fix: Corrected Treant location (2023-12-30)
    - 75e2a59b fix: Possible ClassCastException on rest effect (2023-12-30)
    - 38257c69 fix: Build files version conflict (2023-12-29)
    - acef81e6 ref: Feedable beasts deletion improvements (2023-12-29)
    - 4f51ba70 chore: More monster track improvements (2023-12-29)
    - f92c93a1 feat: Added broadcastPacket support for zones (2023-12-29)
    - 400beb28 perf: Cleanup during npc reload (2023-12-29)
    - bcf387f7 ref: Monster race track cleanup and organization (2023-12-29)
    - 9876d231 fix: AccessLevelForEverybody breaks punishment system if set (2023-12-28)
    - d6b5868e chore: File formatting (2023-12-27)
    - 3c220afc ref: Party matching update (2023-12-27)
    - ba836f5f chore: Minor case corrections (2023-12-27)
    - 4faf5e77 chore: TODO comments cleanup (2023-12-27)
    - 6190ff55 fix: Rift quest used old quests method (2023-12-27)
    - 4116f06e perf: Server packets optimization (2023-12-27)
    - ebb88229 fix: Display castle door HP during siege only (2023-12-27)
    - c031fc9e fix: Use inventory update packet for pet pick up (2023-12-27)
    - d1742ae9 fix: Call 'rewardSkills' even if auto-learn skills configuration is disabled (2023-12-27)
    - 282a9ad8 chore: Removed unused logs (2023-12-26)
    - ce1d4e09 fix: Shortcut sql deadlocks. Thanks netvirus (2023-12-26)
    - 53798aac chore: Identifier 'final' for Location class (2023-12-25)
    - 529f9ada fix: More retail-like cinematic spawn for Valakas. Thanks lSplasH (2023-12-25)
    - ff4abd39 ref: Zaken AI organization (2023-12-25)
    - 9fe9b0bc feat: Added update support for Location instances (2023-12-25)
    - fa211d5d fix: Shortcut owner NPE (2023-12-25)
    - 82c9635c chore: Format bbs managers (2023-12-25)
    - 3a787000 chore: Community board file formatting (2023-12-25)
    - d99c4fce chore: Added 'toString' support for Location (2023-12-25)
    - 1e6ef6a9 chore: Loops cleanup (2023-12-25)
    - e797c576 feat: New configuration for GM test server (2023-12-24)
    - 57981866 chore: Added extensions file with correct casing (2023-12-23)
    - e2f553fe chore: Removed duplicate file (2023-12-23)
    - 4c86865f chore: Minor mmo cleanup (2023-12-23)
    - 0142add7 fix: Incorrect file name for dynamic extensions configurations (2023-12-23)
    - feb3b81c fix: Display correct gameserver updated IPs (2023-12-23)
    - 7813aaaa chore: File formatting (2023-12-23)
    - 0f4a6701 fix: Unknown host exception for external host (2023-12-23)
    - 5d23d760 ref: Scripts refactoring (2023-12-23)
    - 76dbf619 Merge branch 'pet-weight-fix' into 'main' (2023-12-21)
    - 182d1246 fix: More retail-like pet weight (2023-12-21)
    - 661324c3 Merge branch 'items-to-xml' into 'main' (2023-12-09)
    - 538c542a fix: AI control item fallback value correction (2023-12-09)
    - 359f17bb chore: Cleanup and minor improvements (2023-12-09)
    - 32031c0f ref: More improvements on item and skill handlers (2023-12-09)
    - 32f777b0 ref: More work on item handlers including datapack changes (2023-11-26)
    - bdb0082d feat: Item handlers rework (2023-11-05)
    - 5cb5258b ref: Moved armorset data to XML (2023-11-04)
    - 5c3c77e7 chore(core): SupressWarnings cleanup (2023-11-04)
    - cd7cd0d9 fix(core): Avoid sending CharMoveToLocation if player didn't actually move (2023-11-04)
    - 5c9af2fd feat(core): A brand new item preview system (2023-11-04)
    - 069b9030 fix(core): Reverted item max count back to Integer.MAX_VALUE (2023-11-04)
    - 2e5d361e ref(core): Added weapon SAs back (2023-11-04)
    - 3bbaf9c3 ref: Make use of Map.containsKey wherever possible (2023-11-04)
    - 30d6b49e feat: Converted item data into XML (2023-11-04)
    - 74ba814a Merge branch 'crystal-scroll-enchant-config' into 'main' (2023-11-04)
    - a04c907c Crystal scroll enchant config (2023-11-04)
    - 591cdd35 Merge branch 'buffer-underflow-fix' into 'main' (2023-11-03)
    - e60ceb7d fix: Immediately close connection for state connected during underflow reads (2023-11-04)
    - 1a404d3f Merge branch 'packet-flood-fix' into 'main' (2023-11-03)
    - e15184c2 fix: Reduce server load during packet flood attacks (2023-11-04)
    - d45011c9 Merge branch 'forest-of-the-dead-spawn-fixes' into 'main' (2023-05-13)
    - a950b18c Forest of the dead spawn fixes `UPDATE npc set AI = 'CORPSE' WHERE class='Monster.zombie_corpse';` (2023-05-13)
    - 3ab71329 Merge branch 'eclipse-settings-fix' into 'main' (2023-05-04)
    - ad6307f8 chore: Updated eclipse settings to use Java 17 by default (2023-05-05)
    - 3ae23eb6 fix: Clan wars wrong restore id (2023-05-04)
    - b4c26203 ref: Clan war system improvements and fixes (2023-05-04)
    - 3816f441 ref: Clan update improvements (2023-05-03)
    - 15680dda fix: Clan member details were not initialize at certain cases (2023-05-03)
    - 4db66247 perf: Clan war broadcast optimization (2023-05-03)
    - 50d441e7 ref: Clan war improvements (2023-05-03)
    - 63aa102f ref: Minor concurrency change (2023-05-03)
    - 6ae79b1c ref: Clan table improvements (2023-05-02)
    - fe15f509 chore: Minor logging correction (2023-05-02)
    - 58e667f6 chore: Clan members reload improvements (2023-05-01)
    - 93b67e09 chore: Avoid establishing multiple connections on clan restore (2023-05-01)
    - 98bbb851 chore: Added gitignore rule for vscode settings (2023-05-01)
    - f22860f1 perf: Restore clan wars that relate to requesting clan (2023-05-01)
    - 5de5e04d chore: Print build path once compilation is done (2023-05-01)
    - 4b7f45f8 chore: Cleanup for RestartResponse packet (2023-05-01)
    - e99fd5f5 chore: Java 17 compatibility (2023-04-30)
    - ab788945 ref: SystemMessage.addCharName addition and more (2023-04-30)
    - 6fbe9f12 chore: TvT max level default value (2023-04-30)
    - 0d82e07a fix: Check max level config instead of level 78 (2023-04-30)
    - d00ce9b5 feat(core): Added support for saving chat-ban punishment. Thanks Espada `ALTER TABLE `characters` CHANGE `in_jail` `punish_level` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; ALTER TABLE `characters` CHANGE `jail_timer` `punish_timer` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; UPDATE `characters` SET punish_level=2 WHERE punish_level=1; ` (2023-04-29)
    - 2bfc250a fix: Some quests did not return no-quest-found message (2023-04-13)

    saimon, Karakan and confejulian like this post

      Current date/time is 7th May 2024, 05:05